Who we are

Way of Life - The Evangelical Church of Vienna is a member of the Bund Evangelikaler Gemeinden (BEG - Bund Evangelikaler Gemeinden), an association of 60 Evangelical churches in Austria. The Union was founded in 1992 with the aim of joining forces to spread the Gospel truth that can change people's lives.

BEG is a member of the Association of Free Churches of Austria (FKÖ - Freikirchen in Österreich), which was officially recognized by the state along with the Catholic and Lutheran churches in August 2013.

Our guiding principle: God has generously blessed us, so we wish to join forces to bring people in our country and throughout the world to the knowledge of Him, the source of all good.

Principles of the BEG Union

Local Church Autonomy

The Bible

Collaborative decision-making

Organizing new churches